This place is under construction, if you can't tell then you're stupid.
The idea is to put some useful information and other stuff that I do.
As of 28th August 2024, this website is now responsive, so you should be able to view it on your tiny screen of choice without things breaking terribly. It was easier than I expected.
Ideas are welcome.
Play Spelling Wasp
Spelling Wasp is a web game that I'm working on, it's a clone of The New York Times Spelling Bee, and your goal is to guess as many words as you can. Give it a try!
If you'd like to read up on it, check the article I wrote for Spelling Wasp.
Latest changes
Edited the About page
I edited the content of the About page. The big essay that used to be there is now in a different page, and the overall writeup has changed.
More tweaks to the site
Some small color tweaks, a new look for the site's banner, and a "new" background (lies, I recycled the Spelling Wasp background). I didn't want to implement a toggle for the background animation, so I got rid of it entirely.
Edited the site's look, and other things
I slightly edited the way the site looks. There's lots of text shadows now, and the background is darker. I'll probably swap the Epic Shielder floating graphic with something else. Perhaps the Spelling Wasp background?
Also I edited a few things in the Worms Armageddon articles I wrote. Nothing major.
Added page for Worms Armageddon
About goddamn time. It used to be just a broken link. Anyway this page gives you a general description of Worms Armageddon, one of my favorite games. There's also information on how to set it up.
Added link to Spelling Wasp
The previous change was an excuse to advertise this game I'm working on. Spelling Wasp is about guessing words, give it a try.
Added this fucking thing
Now you can see the latest changes I've made to the site. You don't have to guess anymore.
Comic Sans Rox
Comic Sans is the best font ever made. That being said, this website uses Comic Neue. The reason is that Comic Sans, despite being the best font ever made, is not very compatible with the modern web and all the special characters you can type.
Flaming Text Wow
The flaming text font is called Inferno and, as you may probably guess, I got it from the internet.
If you need to file a complaint, you can use the complaint form below. I don't check the complaints you send. Reason: I don't care, and also they're instantly thrown into the shredder before anyone knows they were printed at all. This is out of my control. Deal with it.
Have a suggestion? Don't use the form below for the aforementioned reason. Contact me privately instead. If you landed in this website then you probably already know where to contact me. Stick to the procedure.
About Me
I originally did not want to add this section, but my agent forced me to do it. Anyway, I'm known by many names. I like some very specific video games, some very specific music, and I happen to know how to make a mean website. I can also knit. My main interest is simply creating things, it brings me joy to bring things into existence.
I have a YouTube channel where I post my music, and one where I post my gaming stuff. Neither are super polished, but they exist and they're mine, if you're jealous you can always make your own.
Send A Complaint
I already told you, this doesn't work, I will not read your complaint, and I don't care. If you're still hell-bent on sending your stupid complaint, go ahead by all means, I won't try to stop you. I just wanna make it very clear that you're wasting your time, this form is non-functional and it's essentially like talking to a wall.