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Spelling Wasp is not meant to be played by kids. I repeat, SPELLING WASP IS NOT FOR KIDS, or anyone sensitive to foul language. The user interface itself is full of it, and the word list too, so back down now if that's a problem.

Formalities are out the window. The game will make irreverent remarks towards the user. If that's not your thing either, consider spending your time here.

This game is aimed at adults looking to pass the time. Despite there being learning opportunities, Spelling Wasp is not meant to be an educational tool. If you wanna use it for that purpose, cool, but don't yell at me if you get fired.

This is not an original idea

Spelling Wasp is a clone of The New York Times Spelling Bee. This recreation is not to be used for commercial purposes. You can download, study, modify, use parts of, and rehost the source code if you'd like, as long as no monetizing is involved.

You are allowed to keep an offline copy of the game to use at your own leisure (why wouldn't you be allowed to anyway, this is not a legally-binding document), especially if your internet connection sucks or if you don't have consistent access to this website.

Data storage

Spelling Wasp doesn't rely on a server backend over the internet, so it makes use of your browser's storage functions to keep track of your data (settings & game progress). This means that using private browsing mode, or anything else that clears your data after ending your session, will make you lose all your progress.

The entire program executes on your web browser. Compatibility with your particular browser is not guaranteed, despite best efforts. Stored data may also grow larger over long periods of time.

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Press and hold, or hover over a game mode to see its description
Rank: Super Genius
Words: 500/500
Pangrams: 99
Score: 9999/9999 (100%)

Start a new game

Open games


Rank: Super Genius
Words: 500/500
Pangrams: 99
Score: 9999/9999 (100%)

Choose a game

# 4 5 6 7 8 9 10+ Σ
Start guessing words...

Rules & How To Play


This puzzle's point requirements for every rank are:

  • 10% for ( points)
  • 20% for ( points)
  • 30% for ( points)
  • 40% for ( points)
  • 50% for ( points)
  • 60% for ( points)
  • 70% for ( points)
  • 85% for ( points)
  • 100% for ( points)

The rules

The goal of Spelling Wasp is to guess as many words as you can, using letters from the hive, with the following restrictions:

  • You must use the center letter
  • Words must be 4 letters or longer
  • The words you guess must be valid English words (with some exceptions, such as slurs)
  • You can't guess the same word twice in the same game
  • Swear words are allowed


Each correct guess adds points to your score. A 4-letter word is worth 1 point, and longer words are worth 1 point per letter used. You can use the same letter multiple times. So for example, "echo" will yield 1 point, and "echoes" will yield 6 points.

Every possible game of Spelling Wasp contains at least one pangram. A pangram is a word that uses all 7 letters from the hive. These are worth 7 extra points, on top of however many points you got from the word itself. For example, "balding" will earn you 14 points, and "dabbling" will earn you 15 points (1 per letter used, and 7 extra for being a pangram).

Each rank you achieve is for scoring a percentage of all possible points in the puzzle.

The objective

Try guessing as many words as possible, and aim for a 50% score. You officially win at 70%, and anything after that is for bragging rights. A new puzzle is available every day at 0:00 UTC.

Once you reach 70% completion, the list of words you've guessed will show you hints on which words you're missing, or in simpler terms, "ghost words". The total pangram count for the puzzle will also be displayed. You can choose to squeeze more score out of the puzzle with these helpers.

It's okay to miss some words, it's unreasonable to expect a 100% score every day. The results for yesterday's game will always be available. You can study which words you missed, and you can even look up the definitions for whatever words you'd like! Try tapping or clicking on a word for some quick links.

Yesterday's Solution


Your Progress



Game settings

Input handling type

Choose the event type used to detect pressing buttons within the game. This does not apply to the main menu buttons, nor the Delete button (as they combine both handlers).

You must refresh the page to apply this setting.

Calendar format

Set the first day of the week

Transfer progress

Use these functions to transfer your progress to another device. Can also be used for cheating, you weasel.

After downloading a file, you have to manually send it to another device, then upload it from this menu. Doing this will merge your progress with the one from the file you uploaded.

Note: Uploading a data file will refresh the page.

Insane options

About Spelling Wasp

Created by Lee-Mon, November 2024

About the game

Spelling Wasp is a clone of The New York Times Spelling Bee.

The goal is to guess as many words as you can, using the letters available in the hive, with some restrictions. Below you'll find an explanation of the interface of Spelling Wasp, and perhaps some tips.

THIS GAME IS NOT MEANT FOR KIDS, OR ANYONE SENSITIVE TO FOUL LANGUAGE. It may look like otherwise, but there's a lot of vulgarities spread about, especially in the user interface. Proceed at your own discretion. Or excretion. You wanted vulgarities? No? Okay, then I have a better game for you.


  • Enter: Submit guess
  • Backspace: Delete one letter
  • Hold the Delete button to delete the whole guess at once
  • Right Shift: Shuffle
  • Left Shift: Swap between chart displays
  • Click or tap anywhere in the chart to switch displays
  • Space: Switch between word list and main game
  • Escape: Close the current popup or submenu
  • A-Z: Type a letter from the hive (duh)
  • Use the Arrow Keys to scroll inside a submenu after entering it

Minimum System Requirements

  • CPU: Intel Core i11 19450HX @ 6.66 GHz, anything less will result in very bad performance and system crashes
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce Radeon RTX 9999 Ti AMD Pentium 4 (the best of them all)
  • Memory: The website won't load on anything less than 128 GB of RAM. If you have less than that and you're reading this, you're cheating.
  • Browser: The website is guaranteed to break on Internet Explorer, so don't use that
  • Operating System: Windows 14 at least
  • Storage: 10 GB per game played
  • Peripherals: A mouse and keyboard with the most obnoxious RGB backlighting you can configure on it
  • Screen: A small screen is enough
  • Audio: Spelling Wasp is very audio-intensive, so get some good headphones
  • Cooling: Keep your fridge open, and perhaps include a fan
  • Power Supply: A nuclear generator should do the trick

Helpful tips

Useful stuff you should probably know:

  • In Spelling Wasp, a 50% score is a decent goal to work towards. Officially you win at 70% of the total score for the puzzle, and anything after that is for bragging rights. You should never expect a 100% score, even if you know a lot of words.
  • This is not meant as a competitive game, you can set your own goals if you'd like, or you could also cheat if that's what you find fun.
  • The game doesn't log any of your wrong guesses, so feel free to mess around if you're stuck.
  • Knowing a lot of words in the English language is ideal if you'd like to reach a high score, but it's okay if you don't know a lot. You can start small and then work your way up as you learn more words over time.
  • Pay attention to the available letters in the hive; look for common prefixes and suffixes, and different forms or conjugations of other words. For example, plurals that end in ‑s or ‑es, the ‑ing form of verbs, past tenses (‑d, ‑ed, ‑ied), the re‑ and de‑ prefixes, comparatives and superlatives (‑er, ‑est), ‑less and ‑ness suffixes, and so on. Looking out for these will help you find more words and therefore score more points.
  • If you're stumped, try shuffling the letters, or put down the puzzle and come back to it later. Viewing the letters differently can help you see words you couldn't see before. Likewise, coming back with a fresh mind can give you the push you need to finish the solution. Take this at your own leisure.


  • This word list which is the basis of Spelling Wasp
  • Wasp icon and Bee icon by Freepik (www.flaticon.com)
  • Scoreboard Font by Bou Fonts (www.dafont.com)
  • The games mentioned in my website (except Blossom) for sucking enough sweaty ass to inspire me to make my own implementation.
  • Explosion effect is from Nuclear Throne

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