My customizations for Worms Armageddon
Things I've made for Worms Armageddon. Schemes and maps to be specific.
Follow this link to download all of these at once:
View the article I wrote for Worms Armageddon.
NS Intermediate
I originally made this sometime in 2013 or 2014 I don't fucking know. It has changed over time to make the gameplay even more chaotic.
This scheme is based on the stock Intermediate scheme. The N stands for a friend's name, and the S stands for Scheme.
The original intent of the scheme was giving myself an unfair advantage when my friend was new to the game. Eventually he learned the tricks and started kicking my ass. There are several changes that make the gameplay faster and more hectic. A ropeless variant also exists, which can potentially be more strategic.
Primary Changes
- Bazooka is set to power 4, hopefully that incentivizes its use
- Ninja Rope is set to power 5, but ammo is set to 5 and they don't appear in crates, so make them count. The only way to get more ammo for it is through Crate Shower.
- All mines are instant
- The terrain will be littered with barrels and mines
- All weapon crates explode into sheep
- A crate is guaranteed to spawn every turn
- Banana Bomb is rarely available through weapon crates. It's set to power 15, and it can potentially nuke the whole map. Great as a round opener, if you're lucky to get one.
- Round time is 10 minutes instead of 15. Sudden death is set to nuke, with medium water rising.
- Hotseat time is set to 15 seconds, so you have more time to think or do whatever
- A Granny and a Girder Pack will become available after 9 turns. The Granny is overpowered and will blow up a large chunk of land. Use with caution.
Weapon Changes
- Low Gravity is set to 2 ammo
- Laser Sight is set to 1 ammo
- Mortar is set to a high power, but it's still crap
- Cluster Bombs are overpowered (power 15)
- Banana Bombs are overpowered (power 15)
- Flame weapons are overpowered, Molotovs are now really good
- Skunk is set to a high power, so now it poisons for 10 damage each turn. Might be worth using against a tough crowd.
- Suicide Bomber was removed, that weapon sucks
- Team weapons are disabled and instead you get 2 Mad Cows. Mole Bomb and Granny have been removed from crates and replaced with Skunk and Kamikaze.
- Other tweaks to weapon probabilities from crates. You'll probably get a lot of Miniguns.
- Blow Torch and Drill have been set to infinite
- Parachute and Bungee have been set to 4 ammo each
- Mole Bomb is set to power 4, but the only way to get one now is through Crate Shower, and you probably won't be using a Mole Bomb already since you'll likely get some other busted stuff instead. Amazing.
- Select Worm is set to 1 ammo
Extended Scheme Options
- Tweaked Molotov fire decay so this weapon is now actually useful. Fire takes longer to expire, and stays up for longer when a worm is burning.
- Up to 50 crates can be on the map at once
- Rope roll drops are enabled, as in you can drop weapons while you're flying. This means you can deploy your Parachute in an emergency.
- You'll no longer lose control if you skid really fast, if you bump your head on the ceiling while roping, or if you do water skips
- Fall damage correction is disabled, so explosions might deal additional fall damage
- Crate contents are determined when you pick them up, or when someone gets Crate Spy. You might wanna save up those first few crates instead...
- Girder radius assist is enabled, so you're not fooled by the game when trying to place girders
- Extended fuses are enabled, you can set grenade fuse from 0 to 9, and release up to 9 cows at once
Ropeless Variant
- No Ninja Ropes, unless from Crate Shower.
- Parachute and Bungee are infinite.
- Low Gravity is set to 6 ammo.
- Jetpack is available from utility crates but its fuel is 1, so it's only useful if you drop a weapon first.
- Molotovs are set to 4 ammo. Burn everything to the ground.
If you like this scheme, good for you. If you don't like it, tough luck, it's all we're playing.
NS Forts
This one's a recent development (2025). It's based on NS Intermediate and as such, it results in highly chaotic gameplay and lots of explosions.
The point of this one is to play Forts with the chaos of NS Intermediate. Crates spawn every turn on a random side of the map, so if they're on your side, you probably wanna collect them, or else your opponent can blow them up. The scheme is configured so every crate that explodes will spawn a sheep. This can result in deadly chain reactions.
The crates are meant to be crappy. You probably won't get anything useful, but there's a low chance of getting a Banana Bomb.
This scheme is suited for quicker rounds. Round time is 8 minutes, turn time is 25 seconds, but hotseat time is 15 seconds. I think I might've given players too many Molotovs, but I like burning stuff to the ground. Feel free to tweak the scheme as you see fit.
NS Shopper
This one's also recent, and it's also based on NS Intermediate.
I don't really like the stock Shopper scheme that everyone uses, since it plays really slow, the worms have too much health, and the weapon pool is littered with redundant and useless crap. Instead I decided that it'd be more fun to keep the worms at 100 health, while letting you choose the worm you're gonna move that turn, and making things explode.
As you can expect, mines are instant, there's barrels placed around the map, and crates explode into sheep. I never liked the random mine fuses in stock Shopper so I got rid of them. I removed a lot of the weapons from the pool and left the more destructive ones in. The whole point is to make everything explode, but I guess there's still some strategy to it.
Also, Baseball Bat is really powerful. Give it a try.
REAL Intermediate
Nothing fancy, it's just the stock Intermediate scheme with 10 minute round time. The advantage is that you can use it as a base for tweaking things. Doing that with the default schemes will remove any super weapons that are present in them. That's a bug that's bypassed by this scheme.
All I know is that this one contains some parts of NS Intermediate. No idea what else I changed.
Treebase (CTF)

Treebase is probably the best map I've made, I play it whenever someone decides to try CTF with me.

I had this idea in 2016. The concept was providing a lot of chunky cover around each base, and giving players two main avenues for invading. The flag would be right under the start area protected by a lot of cover. The top path is intended to provide a quick means of invasion, incentivizing both teams to hold the top to prevent the opponent from getting a quick lead.
It's possible to win in only a few turns if you somehow have a Holy Grenade. You have to make it to the top first, then throw 3 precise grenades to break the wooden platforms on the way to the flag, and then throw the Holy Grenade and land it next to the flag.
That was not patched in the new version. Instead I added a new platform, which is more intended to provide an even quicker way to the top.
The first iteration of the map makes invading through the bottom very hard, since there's barely any spots to stand in, and once you're through the other side, you're likely to get killed. It's necessary to wait for good wind, or spend a few turns building a bridge in order to invade.
The new, improved version adds a lot of platforms all over and reinforces the top route. This should help with overall movement around the map, whether you're invading or defending.
The visuals were also improved on the new version, barely.
Hazard (CTF)

Hazard is a CTF map that I made in Terraria, apparently in 2019. It makes use of wkIndiMask to designate semi-indestructible zones. The idea is that you can't reach the flag from far away, forcing you to invade through a pretty long path. The castle walls and the flag shelter are "hard" walls, meaning that you can only blow them up with something strong enough to destroy the background layer of the terrain. In simpler terms, something as powerful as the Dynamite.
Because CTF usually provides you with only one Dynamite, it's important to define if you want to use it to create a sink hole inside the castle, or if you want to use it to take a shortcut into the flag. Otherwise, the intended path towards the flag is by reaching the edge of the map and dropping down with either a Bungee or Parachute.
I didn't playtest this map enough to determine if it's actually good, but I guess there's some problems with the layout itself.
Space (CTF)

Space (wow amazing name) is another CTF map I made, this one was for a Battle of the Bits OHB (one hour battle) where other people also made their own submissions. I decided to make a CTF map for the occasion, for whatever stupid reason. Poor choice, since no one was familiar with the scheme.
It was also made in Terraria. I figured it was a good way to quickly make a map, but the visuals are terrible. I didn't really think it through.
The idea is taking the top path to invade. The problem is that it's just a chunk of fat land. The bottom path is meant to be a quick invasion route, with very high risk involved. I remember this map playing more like Forts due to how difficult it is to get to the opponent's side.
Lighthouse (Forts)

This map sucks. It was also made in Terraria. The visuals aren't that bad in my opinion, but the gameplay is horrendous. I don't know what I was thinking. I made a couple of tweaks before giving up on it, you can see those in the downloads I put up earlier in this page.
Map (Shopper)

Map. World-class naming. This is a random Shopper map I made in 2016. It plays like shit, but the visuals are goofy and very "me". I love my attempt at a pineapple on the right side. I guess the hotel to the right is a reference to Hotel Mario? Like, look at that cop Mayro rendition in the bottom center of the map. Just incredible.