Epic Weapons: An almost complete weapons overhaul

Epic Weapons, or eweps for short, is a mod I'm working on that aims to rework most of the weapons in Nuclear Throne, while also adding a few new ones. The goal is to make the mutation pool less bloated with useless crap, make the available weapons more fun to use, and increase their loop viability.



The Concept

The goal of this mod is to give every weapon a chance to be useful, beyond just grabbing it in an emergency and then dropping it. My main qualm with other weapon mods is that they still keep the original weapon pool in them, contributing to bloat, and they're also poorly documented, to the point where you don't know what's available and what everything does. Some people like to experiment and find out, and I like that too, but I also like having the actual data in front of me if I want to learn the numbers.

I decided to start working on this project because I had made a Hyper Revolver, but I didn't have a sprite for it, and even then it felt redundant. After some asking around, I learned that you can remove a weapon from the pool and replace it with another if you want. So then the Hyper Revolver became the starter Revolver, then came the Machinegun, then the Assault Rifle, and so on. Then I decided that every bullet weapon would have this mechanic.

You can make a really cool weapon, but if said weapon is hidden in a sea of other, less interesting weapons, there's not really a chance for it to shine, especially if the endgame meta remains the same.

Another issue I have with mods in general is mutation mods. They have really cool ideas, but the way NT works just doesn't allow them a spot in a run without sacrificing some essentials. They also don't solve the problem of some vanilla mutations being plain bad or useless, and to make it worse, they also bloat the mutation pool, making it less likely to get the essential good mutations that you need for an enjoyable run. I'm trying to partially solve this by adding new mutation synergies with my custom weapons. This will hopefully make said bad mutations at least slightly better.

So what's the end goal? I want to breathe new life into this game. In a game about shooting bad guys, weapons and gunplay are probably the most important gameplay factor. I want to make these old, tired weapons feel fresh again, and I want to find a purpose for the worse ones out there... except discs, those are getting axed from my mod.


Epic Weapons reworks most base game weapons, and adds a few new ones. In the latest version, all bullet weapons have been reworked into hitscan bullets, or in simpler words, the bullet travels instantly to its destination. If you have Impact Wrists, they produce a small shockwave on impact, which deals the bullet's damage to everything around a small area, while slightly increasing damage done to whatever it hits. If you have Eagle Eyes, you get automatic snapping to enemies near the direction you're firing.

Shell weapons have more consistent spread, shells travel slightly further, bounce a bit more, and can bounce off of enemies if you have Shotgun Shoulders. Slugs can pierce low health enemies, so they're no longer stopped by shitworms. The Heavy Slugger is now more useful since it gains this effect, and also has better range. The damage is slightly reduced to compensate.

Write about bolts here

Write about explosives here

Write about energy weapons here

Current progress